It must have been a great relief to both Newman and Angeli to have such a wonderful film together after the complete disaster of The Silver Chalice (1954).
Wise discovered Steve McQueen while in New York and cast him as Fidel, one of the boys in Graziano’s street gang. McQueen received no credit for this role.
Former middleweight champion Tony Zale almost played himself in the movie. He was still in great shape, so Wise signed him up. But when Zale and Newman were rehearsing the fight, Wise noticed that the inexperienced Newman "was a little gun-shy of this guy, Zale. He didn't quite know what to do. Paul was afraid that if he accidentally clipped Tony, Tony in just a fighter's reflex reaction, would cold-cock him....I've never forgotten the experience of seeing Paul pulling back from him." So Zale was replaced, much to his disappointment.
James Dean was originally slated to play the part of Rocky Graziano. However, due to his unexpected death he was replaced by Newman.
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